Ironworker Management Progressive Action Cooperative Trust

Expanding Job Opportunities for Ironworkers and their Contractors

IMPACT has done a phenomenal job increasing media coverage for the Iron Workers brand and partner contractors and executing strategic communications plans to promote them. Recently, IMPACT more than tripled the number of participants for the international safety call I host to raise awareness for safety issues among contractors and ironworkers.

– Pete Hayes Red Cedar Steel

PR & Communications

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Managing reputation is of utmost importance in the business world. It is critical for the survival and success of a business to consistently maintain a positive brand image to increase brand loyalty and equity.

Though public relations strategy employs owned, paid and earned media strategies, brand reputation is managed primarily through earned media, at no cost to the brand. Earned media provides brands significantly higher reach and credibility without breaking the bank. It’s proven to be more effective due to the element of third-party validation. In contrast to paid advertising and marketing, earned media is challenging to secure.

IMPACT’s PR and communications program:

  • Develops strategic communications plans and messaging for partner contractors, employer associations and local unions with a goal of increasing brand awareness, loyalty and equity.
  • Works to increase media exposure and positive news coverage through media relations for the Iron Workers brand and partner contractors in the U.S. and Canada. According to data analysis, the program has more than doubled the Iron Workers’ positive media coverage and brand recognition over the past three years since inception.
  • Conducts website assessments for partner contractors and assists contractors and local unions with business development initiatives, branding, event marketing, content marketing and social media.

Increasing brand awareness and maintaining a positive brand image lead to improved brand equity and create more work for the ironworkers and their contractors.

Sara Schuttloffel_PhotoFor more information about this program contact
Sara Schuttloffel
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