In preparation for the July 14-15, 2016 Ironworker Safety Director Training Course in Ann Arbor, Mich., we are providing you the attached “California Guide to Welding Fume Hazards” for your review and use. Although this document references California, much of the information and data is useful in other states and provinces throughout North America.
This document is designed to provide assistance with hazard identification and the development of a health program to help prevent exposures to air-borne metals during welding operations in the shop and field. Jim Kegebein is an industrial hygienist and will be Ironworkers Safety Director Training Course instructor in July. He is considered one of the foremost experts in workplace industrial hygiene. Funding for training on this guide and other health exposures for the July 14-15, 2016 course has been provided through the IMPACT Board of Trustees.
Following are some of the special features of the “Guide to Welding Fume Hazards” that will allow you to better manage and customize routine safety tasks for multiple worksites.
Key Elements of Welding Fume Guide
- Potential Health Hazards
- Base Metals and Consumables
- Chromium VI - Stainless Steel
- Reviewing Survey Data
- Threshold Value Limits
- Using Representative Air-Samples
- Review Task Conditions
- Engineering Controls
- Sample Respiratory Program
- Sample Chromium VI Program
Download the CA Guide to Welding Fume Hazards Manual
If you have any questions pertaining to this guide, please contact Jeff Norris, Canadian safety coordinator at (780) 459-4498, or Vicki O’Leary, district representative for safety and diversity at (202) 702-7828.