Ironworker Management Progressive Action Cooperative Trust

Expanding Job Opportunities for Ironworkers and their Contractors

The off the Job accident program has been a God's send for our injured members and helps them from digging a financial hole. There is a process  of educating the members, following up with the paperwork to the Trust Fund, insuring the member is paid. This extra time is on behalf of the Business Manager but it is worth it.

Michael L. Baker
Iron Workers District Council of North Central States




Ironworkers provide solution to specialized welding needs at Plant Vogtle


Contact: Brennan Gamwell, Communications Specialist, (800) 545-4921

SAVANNAH, GA.  - When Iron Worker customers want results, they get them—and fast.

IMPACT and Iron Workers Local 709 are proud to announce the culmination of a recent Regional Advisory Board (RAB) grant which funds specialized training and upgrading for ironworker welders.  The grant and training come in response to jobsite needs at Plant Vogtle, our nation’s newest nuclear power facility, located in Burke County, Ga.

The $30,000 welding grant was written, presented to IMPACT’s Region V Executive Committee and approved—all in less than one month.  “When one of our good customers needs our help, we are ready to jump,” said Iron Worker General Vice President Dick Ward.  “I immediately contacted my Management Co-Chair, Vic Cornellier, and we agreed to make this happen.  The truth is, adding value and productivity to this project will help us get the next job,” he said.

Using grant funds, Local 709 acquired three pulse arc welding machines from Lincoln Electric Co. to train members for the rigorous welding needed at the Vogtle site.  The type of welding, referred to as GMAW-P, is a special form of gas-shielded arc welding.  The welders are also being trained to weld from remote locations.

“We have to use stainless duplex metal and wire for this type of welding.  Both of these pieces are very expensive,” said Ed Abbott, Executive Director for the Welding Certification program at the National Training Fund.  “Between the expense of the materials and the special training, our local needed some help.  IMPACT stepped in and provided money for as-needed training for our members.  We couldn’t ask for more,” he said.

“Currently, Local 709 has two specialized welders and 10 stick welders at Plant Vogtle,” said David Edenfield, Business Manager of Local 709. “But as a result of this training, we are ready to provide many more.”

Plant Vogtle operates as part of Georgia Power, a subsidiary of the Southern Company, which is a long-time partner for the Iron Workers and IMPACT.

About IMPACT:The Ironworker Management Progressive Action Cooperative Trust ( was formed in 2003 under Section 302(c) 9 of the Labor-Management Relations (Taft-Hartley) Act. IMPACT is a non-profit, tax-exempt labor-management trust under Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code.  The primary mission of IMPACT is to expand job opportunities for union ironworkers and their signatory contractors through progressive and innovative labor-management programs, training and safety. IMPACT is governed by a 26-member Board of Trustees. Each of IMPACT’s 10 regions is represented by one labor trustee and one management trustee.


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