Ironworker Management Progressive Action Cooperative Trust

Expanding Job Opportunities for Ironworkers and their Contractors

The off the Job accident program has been a God's send for our injured members and helps them from digging a financial hole. There is a process  of educating the members, following up with the paperwork to the Trust Fund, insuring the member is paid. This extra time is on behalf of the Business Manager but it is worth it.

Michael L. Baker
Iron Workers District Council of North Central States




IMPACT poises contractors to crush competition with cutting-edge trainings


Contact: Brennan Gamwell, Communications Specialist, (800) 545-4921

This summer, IMPACT contractors clamored for one of only a few spaces in IMPACT’s never-before-offered contractor courses.  Designed to give contractors the tools to manage effectively and increase profitability, IMPACT’s contractor courses were provided free of charge, and attendees responded with rave reviews of the courses’ quality content.  IMPACT is now proud to announce two more contractor courses, scheduled in conjunction with the 2012 North American Iron Workers/IMPACT Labor-Management Conference in Las Vegas, Nev., Jan. 29 – Feb. 1, 2012. 

“IMPACT and the Iron Workers International want to make good on our commitment to educate our contractors,” said Eric Waterman, CEO of IMPACT.  “They are the best in the industry, and IMPACT wants to make sure they stay on top.”

Effective Project Management: The Project Leader (Feb.1) and Getting Paid (Feb. 2) will focus on management and leadership skills and cash flows to maximize profits, respectively. The courses will be conducted at the Field Ironworker Apprenticeship & Training Center in Henderson, Nev.  However, space is limited, and contractors interested in signing up for the courses should reserve their spot immediately at

“After the wildly positive response to IMPACT’s courses offered this summer, we decided our next step should be to offer more classes, educate more contractors and continue to revitalize the industry for both ironworkers and our signatory contractors,” Waterman said.

IMPACT continues to survey contractors and course attendees to see what kind of courses they would like to see in the future, and to identify regions where demand for these courses is high.  IMPACT’s goal is to offer courses at various locations throughout North America and cater to contractors’ specific regional needs.

IMPACT already anticipates record attendance at this year’s Labor-Management Conference.  “There are only a few spots in the contractor courses, and if overall attendance at the conference is any indication, seats in IMPACT’s contractor courses will fill quickly,” Waterman said.

Provided courtesy of IMPACT, Effective Project Management: The Project Leader and Getting Paid are moderated by senior consultants of FMI, the nation’s largest provider of management consulting, research and investment banking to the construction industry.

About IMPACT:The Ironworker Management Progressive Action Cooperative Trust ( was formed in 2003 under Section 302(c) 9 of the Labor-Management Relations (Taft-Hartley) Act. IMPACT is a non-profit, tax-exempt labor-management trust under Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code.  The primary mission of IMPACT is to expand job opportunities for union ironworkers and their signatory contractors through progressive and innovative labor-management programs, training and safety. IMPACT is governed by a 26-member Board of Trustees. Each of IMPACT’s 10 regions is represented by one labor trustee and one management trustee.


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