Ironworker Management Progressive Action Cooperative Trust

Expanding Job Opportunities for Ironworkers and their Contractors

The off the Job accident program has been a God's send for our injured members and helps them from digging a financial hole. There is a process  of educating the members, following up with the paperwork to the Trust Fund, insuring the member is paid. This extra time is on behalf of the Business Manager but it is worth it.

Michael L. Baker
Iron Workers District Council of North Central States




President Hunt Addresses 2010 NAFC Conference


The National Alliance for Fair Contracting (NAFC) held its 12th annual NAFC Conference in Washington, D.C. October 6-8, 2010. The conference highlights labor and signatory contractor's best practices in Davis-Bacon and prevailing wage compliance.

NAFC is a labor-management organization that promotes a "level playing field" through compliance with all applicable laws in public construction. When responsible contractors bid and perform public construction projects, the taxpayer gets a high quality project performed by contractors who comply with the law.

Ironworkers General President Joseph Hunt addressed the conference weighing in on the importance of enforcing prevailing wage compliance in our industry. "IMPACT provides essential support for the ongoing efforts to have our collectively bargained rates officially recognized as the prevailing classification for Ironworkers wage and fringe benefits across the United States. Our efforts are directed to preserving and protecting those wages and benefits from being undermined", stated Hunt.

IMPACT CEO, Eric Waterman, sits on the NAFC board of directors and IMPACT staff regularly participates in NAFC monthly Labor Advisors meetings. IMPACT provides Davis-Bacon training to Local Unions through District Council-wide training sessions, covering compliance, application and wage decisions to ensure that all regional rates properly reflect current collective-bargaining agreements.

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